Friday, July 27, 2012

Design Influences in Kerman/Kirman Antique Rugs

In my  Persian Rugs: Guide to Kerman Rugs  I reflected on the design influences on the rugs of Kerman/Kirman Antique Rugs

Portrait of Qajar Prince

"ex nihilo nihil fit"

In theology we use the expression "ex nihilo nihil fit" which basically means "Nothing comes from nothing". In art the same applies. That which comes before influences that which is. I was struck by the importance of Kermani coats in Qajar society so I will group them here to look for design relationships with antique Kerman rugs.Also note the rug on the floor and the fresh flowers.
Portrait of Prince Ardashir Mirza by Abu'l Hasan Ghaffari / Sani' al-Mulk d. 1852-53AD
Portraitof Prince Imam Verdi Mirza in Kirman coat Second Half 19th C

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